Geelong to Uganda

Geelong to Uganda
Google image of trip from Geelong (my home) in Australia to Karamoja, Uganda!

Friday 1 June 2012

PEAR: (Pioneers International East Africa Retreat)

The last week of May I spent attending a retreat/conference run by the mission organisation Pioneers International, called Pioneers because they specialise in sending missionaries into communities that have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ or into 'unreached' people groups, i.e. they are pioneering that place.

It was on the theme of disciple making ministries; Matthew 28:18-20 'Then Jesus came to them [the disciples] and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" '

I was incredibly encouraged and energised to get back to Karamoja and continue our work there. I'd love to see a regular Bible Study of interactive, deeper learning of God, started up with some of the people we know who may be interested.

I am being challenged to look at the whole picture of a ministry like ours. To see that we all must play a part and work together to do the best we can. I am important to the team for the vet work even when I wish I could be doing more of the ministry side, I need to remember that what I am doing is just as important as the ministry side, because it opens the door for that to take place.

Over the week we heard from each country represented about the work they do there; from Uganda, South Sudan, Kenya and Ethiopia. Although not in East Africa, from South Africa, an Aussie woman is working with vulnerable women and children exposed to the trafficking industry there, helping them heal through group counselling with other women who have been through the same experiences and may still be living with the horror of it today. It was amazing to talk to her and to gain a small understanding of the incredible work she does. It is very emotionally draining for her as you can imagine and some of the stories she hears just break her, but she said to me 'what right do I have to say, "no don't tell me!" when these women have to face it every day and sometimes are even trapped in this life'. She is an ear, a shoulder, and when she can be, a refuge of escape for women in danger. Not only that, she, like all of us are voices of hope into the lives of the oppressed people we live with. Jesus is the hope, not the wishy washy word for hope you might use if you are hoping to win the lottery but the confident hope of knowing that there is victory over death, conquest over the sin and pain of this world that human-kind brings everyday with our actions. Victory by the grace of God, the gift of life and love, fought and won for us by our loving Father God. Every tear that falls, he feels more deeply than we know. 
I am now going to Kenya for a short holiday and a time of rest.

The Uganda missionaries

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