Geelong to Uganda

Geelong to Uganda
Google image of trip from Geelong (my home) in Australia to Karamoja, Uganda!

Thursday 22 March 2012

I'm in Uganda yay! The start of a journey.

Hi everyone! Just wanted to say that although it took long enough, and I think I watched like 10 movies as well as became good travel buddies with an English girl who was heading home, I finally got here and saw some VERY TRULY African things (e.g. large loads carried on heads, crazy traffic, masses of people in fantastic side-street markets & just people hanging around outside shack shop thingos, etc.). Also, I was the only white person (muzungu) it seemed in the whole place! So I got stared at a lot while in the taxi (will have to get used to this, was very weird for the first little bit - thought I had something on my face or something) but yes I made it safe to the missionaries house in Kampala that I am staying with only for a short while before I head to Karamoja on Monday or so :) Tomorrow I hope to be touring around Uganda's capital city, Kampala with Roger & Jean Tripp (the missionary here in the city not Jean Reed the vet) taking it easy and will catch up with some Americans on Saturday to maybe do some animal park sightseeing or white water rafting on the weekend!
Going to sleep now, will write again soon.
But am very healthy and happy :)
Love, Melissa


  1. Hey!! thats great to hear! i think i speak for all 3 personalities when i say we need some pictures xx enjoy your adventures this week!

  2. Glad you got all those scapel blades & surgical instruments through! Have a fantastic few days enjoying the sights before going bush! Lots and lots of love mum
    PS We've got pictures of you on the fridge so we don't forget you!! ha ha
